March 2024 has been designated as National Ladder Safety Month by the American Ladder Institute. This event is intended to raise awareness of ladder safety and decrease the number of ladder-related injuries and fatalities. Safety is everyone’s responsibility!

According to data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, thousands of ladder-related injuries occur in the workplace every year. Workplace processes and hazards should be assessed, and corrective actions implemented, to reduce the likelihood of injuries.  Employers can use National Ladder Safety Month as an opportunity to review and revise workplace ladder safety programs and revisit safe ladder practices with employees.

Here are some general considerations for the prevention of ladder-related injuries:

  • Make sure the weight that the ladder is supporting does not exceed its maximum load rating (user plus materials).
  • Keep your body centered between the rails of the ladder at all times. Do not lean too far to the side while working.
  • Do not step on the top step, bucket shelf, or attempt to climb or stand on the rear section of a ladder.
  • Always face the ladder when climbing up or down.
  • Non-slip footwear should be worn at all times when on a ladder.

For more helpful information or workplace safety training, please contact Western Growers Insurance Services.

Western Growers Insurance Services is a full-service insurance brokerage offering a suite of insurance products and tailored risk management solutions to agribusiness and related industry members. For more information or assistance, please contact Ken Cooper, Director of Risk Strategy for Western Growers Insurance Services, at